About Tracy

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Tracy Fuller

About me

Pilates and me began as a way of exercising my body so I could stay injury free for my other great passion - running

When I became the owner of the Natural Fitness Centre in Eastbourne, where we ran many Pilates classes a week, I decided to step it up and train as a teacher and I’ve not looked back since! I really enjoy my Pilates - not just for the benefits it brings me - but also because I love helping other people learn, enjoy and benefit too. And my members tell me my enthusiasm drives our sessions and they enjoy my relaxed approach - where we have a laugh but work hard too!

Since selling the centre in 2021, I’ve built up my classes and now run 13 every week – split between Natural Fitness and a hall near my home in Pevensey Bay.

Most of my daytime classes are people over 50, with many over 70. My oldest member , who joined only recently is aged 84, and she is doing amazingly well!

Whatever your age and ability, I make sure that you get a lot out of the class and most importantly, you leave with a smile on your face and a spring in your step.